Freelancing and coffee addictions go together like teens and sleeping in; a well known, well worn stereotype that is both humorous and sad.
My personal coffee addiction came about because of my hatred for alarm clocks. And my inability to purchase alarms that simulate the sun, or gently buzz me awake or softly caress my cheek with a gentle sonic massage involving gongs from Shangri-La. Oh, and my hourly job that requires me to work on east coast time (8 am in NYC = 5 am in Flag AZ).
Next best thing? Coffee maker on a timer that sits at the foot of the bed. It's not quite as gentle as fictional monk gongs, but there's a nice soft gurgle and the smell of warm, dark roasted addiction. And in case that doesn't wake you up, it beeps when it's done.
Of course, I might spend as much money, over time, on the coffee, because I've been bitten by the sustainability-ethical-buzzword bug, and get suckered into buying "organic shade grown locally-roasted ethically sourced coffee from wise gurus on mountaintops (probably in Shangri-La with the gongs)" on a regular basis. But, you know, live lightly on the planet and all that. Plus I hear coffee tastes better than a sonic massage. Priorities.
Back on topic, my room mate seems to have the best of it - he has an office job with a decent health package that lets him come in to work basically whenever he wants. He doesn't even have to use an alarm. Then again, his commute is kind of a pain. It's really pretty (though long) by bicycle, but he drives.
I hope to soon have the best of both worlds - no hourly jobs AND no commute. In the meantime, though, it's kind of nice waking up early when I don't have to go anywhere and can just sit and cuddle my cat while I work.
How do you wake up? Are you an alarm clock slave? A caffeine junkie? Do you combine the two like me?
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