Friday, April 13, 2012

Freelancing: Why I don't have a dedicated workspace.

Look up "freelancing tips" on Google. Go on. What's one of the first tips you see? Everyone says to make a plan, and to set up a dedicated work space that is just like an office, only it's in your home. Don't work from the couch, don't work from the kitchen, and DEFINITELY don't work from the bed! All hell might just break loose, and besides, you'll never get anything done, will you?

But I think that one of the biggest benefits of working from home is that you can do whatever the heck you want with your office. If you're a person that needs a dedicated space to get you in the zone, go for it. Decorate it all pretty and make it yours. I tried establishing a room, and it just ended up really messy.

Instead, I usually work in the same spot in the morning. I get up at 5, so it's early and quiet and I'm not moving too fast. I sit in the same corner of the same couch in the living room, because it's next to a window, under a vent (it's cold at 5 am when you live at 7000 feet!) and next to a lamp and a bookshelf. I put my coffee on the shelf and cuddle my cat. This arrangement has the bonus of making me stay clean, since I'm hanging out in a shared area.

But for the rest of the day, I say, anything goes. You've got energy? Put on some music and dance around while you think about that important contract. Hungry? Make a sandwich. Sprawl out on the couch and put your feet up - whatever makes you the most comfortable for being productive.

I don't want a dedicated work space. I want the freedom to work wherever I dang well feel like it. Sometimes I work on the porch. Sometimes the couch. Often while standing in the kitchen - that's another rule I break, I do chores while I'm working. Occasionally I'll work in bed - I'm writing this blog post from my bed. Sometimes I work from a coffee shop. (Not that often because I'm saving money) Whatever makes me happy, I'll do it.

That's what makes freelancing so exciting and scary - there aren't really that many rules. Go explore! Figure out what works best for you. It's a lot of fun.

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